Monday, August 29, 2011

Not quite Hurricane Irene

It’s just typical that the moment I decide I am reblogging our internet goes up in a  puff of smoke. Actually it just sort of fizzled out.

We had a storm on Saturday night; quite a humdinger. I am reluctant to make a big deal of our storm because at the same moment Hurricane Irene was rampaging up the east coast of America. During the rainy season we get lots of big, impressive storms and yes, I’m sure some of them do some damage but they aren’t hurricanes. I do have some perspective.

We arrived home, Husband from dropping Daughter at a friend’s and I from my ‘office’ at Starbucks Emporium, to find the apartment in darkness and a very stroppy Son flumpy footing it around the apartment. He’d just clocked off from working and was about to start getting on with his real life (computer game of the moment) when all the power cut out.

We’d planned a curry and a film. The lights stayed out for quite some time. Husband worried that he might run out of Angry Birds battery power and I was trying to read by candlelight. Son continued to strop around. And then there was light, shortly followed by the curry delivery. Hurrah!


Unknown said...

Glad you got the light back. Even more relieved to hear the curry delivery got through. (I really, really want a curry now. :))

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, you're back - I've missed your blogs! We've had bizarre weather here too, hailstones last week, couldn't believe it. It's freezing! Jane xxx

HelenMWalters said...

Reading by candle light is very romantic though ...

Jenny Beattie said...

Thanks Shirley. Curries are bit addictive like that, aren't they?

Jane, hey hon. I saw you'd been by as my stat counter told me I'd had my first visitor from Ethiopia! I hope the weather has improved.

Helen, it is rather romantic but Sophie Hannah by candlelight was even MORE scary than usual.

Flowerpot said...

Glad you got the light and the curry - lovely picture of that candle.

Chris Stovell said...

Hello again! Glad to see you again, but even more glad that you didn't get blown away. Could do with a piece of that chocolate cake you had in England right now!

Jenny Beattie said...

Thanks Flowerpot.

Chris, I've left a bit of chocolate cake over at yours!