The next stage in my jewellery making career journey
is learning to set stones. This doesn’t require much fire (phew) but it does
demand strict precision skills. Oh gawd.
Khun Gim found me an oval piece of rhodonite, a pretty pink
and black stone to begin with. You measure the circumference with wire and then
cut the metal a little bit longer than your wire. I cut it too long so I had to
saw some of the extra mm off. Yes, and then I cut too much off and had to send
it through the mangle to lengthen it again. Sigh.

So this is the plan: I have to buy some stones to
practice my setting skills. Bangkok is a good place to buy stones. Even though
I’ve never been in the market for them you can’t help but see the shops around (and hear of the scams.) I’ve often stopped and peered into windows to look at the rubies, graded, sized
and sitting in little see through trays. It’s another world to buy them though. Do a Google of Bangkok tourist scams, and the gem ones are right at the top. It has always struck me
that if you’re on holiday and stupid enough to spend hundreds of pounds or
dollars on rubies without the help of an independent expert, you’re kind of
asking to be ripped off. Okay, this isn’t the way things should be but, sadly, it is the way it is.
Now clearly I’m not after ‘gem’ gems. I’m after something
pretty or strikingly coloured and well, cheap. Remember, I might butcher
it. K, who does jewellery at the
same time as I do it, is a gemologist and she’s confirmed that as a foreigner
the prices will rise the second I walk into the shop but she’s given me some
advice. She’s advised me to reverse my normal approach; instead of ‘how much is
that one?’ I should ask ‘what can I get for a 500 baht?’ (£10ish)
I shall let you know how I get on.
PS: isn't this rhodonite skull just divine? I love how his stylised look makes him appear to be wearing glasses. I want... (Source)
I love the skull too. I only just read about the scam last week, we were looking at updating my wedding bands for our 10th anniversary ....
That's so weird. I was on your blog commenting when I got your comment email from blogger!
You can still do it; just don't do it without help. I had a ring made in the early days with the help of two gemologist friends. Quite a lot of people do the GIA gemologist training here...
First skull I've ever seen that looks benign! Rhodonite ring is pretty impressive. x
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