I am still knitting crazy. I started two new projects yesterday and I’m off to purchase wool today – or yarn as they call it here. Apparently it’s only wool if it’s wool. (I am fitting in a bit of writing where I can!)
Yesterday I went over to BNH hospital, the organisers of the Let’s Knit for the Needy project, (I talked about it here) to see if I could help with their blog. I’m not sure that I could help… some of the design issues I’ve got on TeaStains are the same ones that they are having. Please do go and have a look at their blog though. I’ll feel I’ve done something to help if there’s a bit of a surge of visitors on their site.
Alison Murray’s gingerbread house, originally knitted to raise money for Great Ormand Street Hospital is on its way to Thailand. It’s going to be on display at Centralworld and then BNH Hospital. I can’t wait to see it.
In the meantime, our household’s contribution to knitted squares currently stands at 34½ ‘squares.’
Love those psychedelic colours!
I am impressed. I used to LOVE knitting and made some lovely sweaters, no idea why I stopped.
Cheers Queenie: Thailand's cheapest 'wool.' Yarn: 100% acrylic.
DJ, Oooh, I'm impressed with jumpers. I can only do small items before my mind wanders away. Butterfly brained.
It's funny isn't it...Your knitting, I'm knitting and Queenie is crocheting!! Seems that the old crafts are kind of being revived...or is it just me that thinks that?
Once I've finished my Throw I shall get busy with the squares and I'll ask Caroline if she will bring them back to Thailand with her (We're getting together when she's over in September)
What are your projects?
C x
Carol, it is. I think the revival has been around for a bit. It's so relaxing (sometimes) I love it.
The deadline for squares is 16 October, so that will be fine.
But have you started my cupcake yet? x
Caroline, oh yes: one of my two new projects.
Those colours are fab. I'm going to go and have a look at the blog now.
Thanks Debs.
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