Now for the final in the Christmas series. These are my favourites. I made it my virtual Christmas Card this year.
I discovered these trees walking past Siam Paragon, past Siam Discovery and onto the Siam Centre (I might have got those last two the wrong way around - I get their names confused.) Anyway I saw this beautiful red tree up ahead and being blind as a bat - yes, even with contact lenses - I was almost on top of it before I noticed what it was made of. After stopping and taking pictures I walked on and saw another gorgeous tree coming up. Again, I had no idea what it was made of until I got right up close. It just goes to show that recycling doesn't have to mean inferior. There is nothing 'less' about these trees.

I just love them.
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas.
(Scheduled: I am not really here but want to finish the Christmas series.)
I love the CD tree too, it's also on my blog - http://tinyurl.com/84vmq5
Merry Christmas, hope you had a good one.
Hey, hello Jon, welcome to Tea Stains.
We had a wet one down here in Krabi - yes, dammit it rained all day!
The tree is gorgeous, isn't it? Really stunning. Did you see the display inside Siam Discovery made of tea shirts?
I put your blog on my feeds so I'll be back as you update. Nice to meet you.
Well thank you for the follow.
I won't tease too much but it certainly didn't rain where I am (Saraburi):)
I don't recall seeing the t-shirt display, I'm sure I miss out on a lot of stuff when I go to BKK...there simply aren't enough hours in the day.
See you round the blogosphere
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