I needed a blog to join the Novel Racers so Tea Stains was set up to chart the writing of my novel.
I struggled. In the early days it charted the mostly not writing of my novel.
I grappled with theory as I read endless ‘how to’ books; I tussled with voices in my head telling me … well, all sorts of horrible things: you can’t; you won’t; you haven’t…
And here I am three years later, with 107,257 words - the first draft of my novel, sitting in a drawer waiting for attention.
I want to thank everyone who has ever come to read – even those who found Tea Stains by searching for ‘nude people.’ (*sigh* follow the link, if you must.)
Happy Birthday JJ
(but don't think you're getting two birthday pressies a year)
And well done with the words.
Happy Birthday to Tea Stains. Can't believe three years has passed!
Beast's comment made me giggle. :)
Happy bloggy birthday! 3 years! well done.
Bea, thanks hon. ;-D
Angie, nor can I. Thanks for all your support.
Thanks Rebecca.
Happy birthday to you! Isn't blogging brilliant?
Happy blog birthday!
Now come and start your novel editing along with me :)
Happy Birthday, JJ and Tea Stains. I'm so glad I found you out there!!!
Many happy blogday returns! I can't believe it's three years, either.
Blimey, three years!! Really?? I remember us sitting talking about the fact that you were thinking about setting up a blog!!
Happy 3rd birthday Tea stains...may there be many more to come!!
C x
Wow three years. So much has happened in that time. And you have written a book.
Your blog is two days older than my (original) one. I've just been looking at it after reading your post. You first commented on mine on 2nd February 2007. So we've known each other (almost) three years too. x
a very happy birthday JJ - 3 years - cor!
Happy blogiversary :)
Aw! Happy birthday - so glad you're here (and not because of the nude people!!). Well done with the book.
Blimey, 3 years of blog writing. You have my respect! I last wrote on mine sometime last summer...
Even more respect for the 107,000 words. My first draft has come in around 80,000 and it's not enough!
Queenie, it's completely brilliant. :-D
Cathy, absolutely. Are you going to start straight away?
Sue, me too.
Kate, I'm writing my article about NR at the moment... can't believe it's been three years.
Carol, I do heart my blog!
Helen, wow. As Queenie said, isn't blogging brilliant?
Flowerpot, *grinning*
Clover, thank you.
Chris, Me too. (did you go and look?)
Denise, well, I reckon there might be 30,000 words of flab!
Happy 3rd Blog Birthday.
Here's to many more.
Thankfully, I wasn't looking for 'nude people' when I found your blog! Happy Birthday, and here's to another hundred thousand or so words :o)
I actually WAS looking for nude people but found your blog instead ;0)
Wow, 3 years. That's mad, that is. Happy Blogging Birthday.
Love the teapot!
Happy birthday! Glad I found Tea Stains and all its delights....NOT looking for nude people ;)
Happy B'day JJ. A toddler blogger now.
Debs, absolutely: many more. Thank you.
Karen *grins* I think anyone who was must have been mighty disappointed by what they found here! Thanks.
Jen, HA HA. You are such a tease! Thanks sweets.
Greenink, thank you. Me too.
DOT, yes! A toddler blog. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Tea Stains. I'm sure the novels will start to pour out from your owner, now she knows the ropes.
Happy birthday.
How about editing that book now?
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