Thursday, April 01, 2010

Health and safety in the gym

There might not be many areas of my life I am in control of at the moment (Son’s GCSEs, where will be living after July? What shall we have for supper tonight?) but are I should be able to take control of is fitness.

The gym and I are not natural friends. We might be able to affect a liaison of some description but frankly, most of the work is done by me. The gym doesn't really give a toss if I try to be friends. Anyway the best part of five years I've been mostly ignoring the spectacular gym we are privileged to have on the sixth floor of The Towers. Apart from one time four years ago when I joined in a circuit class and then for a whole week after that I lost the use of my knees. They had to be permanently locked straight. For a whole seven days I couldn't lower myself down onto a chair, a loo; I couldn't walk down steps - thank god our apartment is on one level. To get into bed I had to sort of fling myself at the bed from a stiff, straight legged position, howl with pain and hope I landed safely.

After a couple of years of recovery from post traumatic stress, I got down a couple of times to use the equipment and another time, I nearly fell asleep in a yoga class there too because I couldn't understand a word the teacher said. In truth usually my bed and a book wins.

Anyway, I appeared to reach a period where I was ready to have another go with the gym. So this week I've been down on Tuesday and Thursday and as a result, bending my legs is very hard to do again. The knee locking has made a reappearance and I’m climbing in and out of taxis like an octogenarian.

It's the equipment too, isn't it? To make sure I'm working in the right... zone? Is that it? The fat burning zone, my friend told me I need a heart monitor...(Ker ching, sports industry.)

I also need a sports bra. I don't mean to brag - I hate it - but to not wear a sports bra puts lives around me in danger. I have two of these contraptions but since I last needed them (clearly to protect myself from hastening back into the gym) I've put them somewhere safe.

Western women on the whole are larger in the bust department than their Thai counterparts. (I’m worrying about my stats here, and not being coy.) So I set off today for the Marks and Spencer concession in Central Chit Lom. Yes they had sports bras, they even had models made in a range of sizes but they only stock the Thai sized cup sizes. I can’t wear two, can I?

I think Western women should be obliged to wear sports bras for breast health, but what to do? Personally I think there should be a law to say they have to sell them in all the sizes!


Rebecca said...

I am relatively small (although getting wider each year alas) but always felt very large in Asia so I sympathise with your predicament. You might have to get a good friend to send you a bra from the UK?

Sue Guiney said...

I have 2 words for you: Victoria's Secret. They have great bras in all sizes and shapes, sports ones too I think. And you can easily shop online -- not that this is something I have to worry about. Au contraire...

Queenie said...

You do not need a heart monitor. Just exercise to a level where you couldn't comfortably chat as well as step/jog/row/whatever, and you'll know you're working hard enough. And if you do that for a minimum of half an hour, three times a week, your fitness should improve dramatically within three months.

Carol said...

I am so impressed that your going back to the gym!! I'm currently toying with the idea of getting a wii so that I can try out the exercise programmes....I don't have time to get to a gym these days!!

Good luck with the bra hunt...if you need me to get one and post it to you give me a shout :-)

C x

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Personally, I'd use the fact I couldn't get a sports bra as a sign I should stay home from the gym and eat chocolate (but that's why I'm fat).

I'm very impressed that you've been visiting the gym. Good luck in the bra department and I hope the knees loosen up soon.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same predicament. Despite my protests I was practically frogmarched to a till by staff at Tescos in On Nut and made to buy a bra that was the largest they had but still not adequate for my British proportions. If you get someone to order for you at M&S in the UK you can get it delivered here, according to ther website. Alternatively I'm in the UK for the next 3 weeks, so shout if you need a bra courier! I'm in Bangkok every Wednesday and Sunday.

Chris Stovell said...

If it's any consolation I have enough trouble finding a sports bra in remote west Wales - but then I can go to internet. If you are still having problems email me and I'll try to help.

Liz said...

When a similarly endowed friend of mine lived in Hong Kong she ended up having a brief job modelling bras for M&S when they finally launched more western appropriate cup sizes. The range didn't last & she ended up having people ship Bravissimo bras over to her. Now she stocks up every time she comes home.

CL Taylor said...

Can you get internet sites to send goods to Thailand?

If so I really recommend this site, and this bra. It's the only thing that keeps 'the girls' tamed whilst running on the treadmill.

CL Taylor said...

Oh, no, it was this one. 'Shock Absorber' says it all really!

HPofP said...

Nice try Beattie! You really only need a sports bra if you're doing anything that involves bouncing up and down (except sex where you require lingerie). You don't need one for rowing, walking, cycling, weight lifting. Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but you'll need to find a better excuse than that!

Jenny Beattie said...

Rebecca, In Thailand I feel like Hagrid!

Sue, *ahem* cup sizes aren't big enough there. (Oh Gawd)

Queenie, yeah, I do sort of know that but I am so lazy it might help me focus! Look at the numbers!

Carol, let's see how long it lasts. We got a Wii... I've never been on it.

Oh Suzanne, a woman after my own heart. Thank you.

Sarah, No, they frog marched you? So embarrassing. Thank you for your offer. I'll let you know if I need you. Thank you.

Chris, aw thank you.

Liz, Bravissimo weren't happy posting to Thailand! I had to pay, and then sign a disclaimer to say that if it didn't arrive I wouldn't hold them responsible.

Cally, YES! They're the ones I've had before.

HPOP, I might not like exercise but going to the gym does require some uhm exercise and yes, moving slightly faster than my usual sitting on the sofa speed. No, you're right, you won't catch me running: only for lunatics.

Fran Hill said...

As I could probably fit three standard-sized Asian women into one of my trouser legs, I cannot possibly comment.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I remember having to get a 'minimal bounce bra' when I used to go to the gym, but that was eons ago.

I'm impressed that you go to the gym. I haven't seen the inside of one for, um, oh about 10 years!

HelenMWalters said...

I'm with Suzanne. Any excuse not to go to the gym should be leapt on with open arms and kissed.

Harriet said...

Its daughter.
Keep going mum!
You look skinnier all ready.

Steroids Blog said...

get your self a set of adjustable dumbells and an exercise bike and they'll be no need to visit a gym ever again.

Steroids For Sale UK said...

victorias secrets are what you need for the gym

Azolol said...

I gave up doing weight training years ago , yoga , waling , massage and saunas are a lot better for you when you get older.