And then something(s) happens, and your mood turns in an instant?
No? Oh it’s just me then; I am most fickle.
I have gone from a bit blah to ridiculously cheered up.

Then, after a long afternoon at website where the lovely Andrew solved my many computer problems (though not our internet at home, which Husband is rather worryingly trying to fix as I type!) I picked up my post (real post).
And completely gorgeous Helen sent me some articles for research purposes because we’d been emailing about an article I might be trying to write … anyway, slipped betwixt the card were two packets of Galaxy Minstrels. OH MY GOD: thank you Helen, you lovely woman.
(And, I just have to tell you that Husband has been sweating and a cursing in his head, and I gave him one of my packets of Galaxy Minstrels ... and ... they are magic: two minutes later our secure internet wifi thingy was up and running.)
My ten people are:
Hesitant Scribe, Angie, Yvonne, Jen, Pacha, JonM, Leigh, Carol-a Crayon, Liz, and Liane
JJ, thank you so very much. I don't know what Galaxy Minstrels are, but this post and my brand new award just turned my day around completely.
Off to show it off on tha blog...
Oh! THANK YOU! Good moods are contagious (especially if accompanied by awards and Galaxy Minstrels)
We need to get Liane some Minstrels! Definitely!
Thanks again honey - am touched and extremely pleased with myself now!
I know exactly what you mean about those moods because I've been in one and your lovely award turned it around for me! Thank you so much, sweetie.
(And I do believe chocolate is magic. Perhaps I should have some to seal the good mood today!)
-Angie xx
Aw, fanks very much Dearie. Am impressed by the magical merits of Minstrels.
Might have to munch a bag to figure out how to put this clever badge in my sidebar...
Thank you so much! Am dead proud now! I also LOVE Galaxy Minstrels (shouldn't we try to figure out how to send wordtryst some?).
I've been cross with my internet connection/phone line all day, so you have thoroughly cheered me up too!
do galaxy minstrels involve chocolate?
glad to help turn your day around a bit.
Thank you, JJ, for this lovely award. Also feeling distinctly blah (after too much housework), so this has cheered me up no end. Do I get to pass it on?
Thank you so much honey!!
Between mini me and my bloody cold I've been feeling a bit blah too - this has cheered me up no end.
C x
Never underestimate the Power of the Minstrel:-) They work wonders.
Glad you're all cheered up and Excellent:-)
Thank you so much! I'm going to head out and get some Minstrels now...
Oh, JJ, you star. Thank you. Must nip out to duty free and grab some minstrels too :-)
Glad you got the minstrels! They didn't take long to get there. x
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