Yesterday I went along the Chao Phraya river on the courtesy boat to the Oriental Hotel where I had a sophisticated breakfast of eggs benedict in the coffee shop with my friend C. It is quite expensive there (to stay the night is inordinately expensive) but they kept bringing more coffee rather than only allowing me one measly cup, so I didn’t feel hard done by. We paid our bill, and then sat in reception to find out where the shop was that we were heading for. We didn’t look out of place; nobody said we were lowering the tone in this beautiful 5 star hotel. And we left.

I’ve been to the Oriental five or six times, always wearing sandals, NOBODY has told me I don’t look smart enough, and you know why? Because I do look smart enough - even with flip flops on.
Because of my extreme inertia I can’t decide what I should do. Should I write to the manager, enclosing my photo and ask him if he can see my flip flops?
Definitely write to the Manager - I looked much scruffier than you and no-one said anything.
Actually, you should think about that - do you really want to go to a place that let's me in without an argument ;-)
C x
You could turn up naked whlst wearing toe-concealing shoes?
I think perhaps I'll let you try out that theory!!
Oh my god, Jen, I'd put lives in danger if I went anywhere naked: people'd go blind. If they survived seeing me, they'd probably cut their own throats than ever have to see such a sight again!
And I can see YOU C, aren't going to give me any help!
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