I issued myself with a very stern ‘you are not allowed to go to the cinema unless you’ve done your 100 words’ warning. I even informed Husband of that fact which was, in retrospect, a mistake. No it wasn’t Husband’s fault – we were both pathetic. I did 247 words and he arrived home from work.
We lounged about on the sofa watching BBC Entertainment – which is our overseas BBC channel. No children appeared to say ‘Hannah Montana is on – can we have the TV?’ And we consumed the curry on the sofa (don’t tell the children) while watching Jack Dee in a programme where he’s a comedian … not much of a stretch to the imagination that one, but it made Husband laugh out loud and me snigger.
So it’s the cinema today instead. And I’m leaving you with a photo from my last trip to the cinema – last weekend with Son. Can you guess what we saw?
I just can't guess. Was it Knitting Panda?:-)
Enjoy your time off from mummyhood! x
Ah the luxury of just having a night in together in front of the tv without having to go anywhere: priceless. That panda would have me shrink away; I have a weird aversion to people dressed in those "larger than life" costumes! Disneyland would be torture for me...
You've been so diligent in so many ways! And I wanted to tell you I gave you mention on my blog today. "See" you soon. xo
Blimey, hope you didn't have to sit next to that big panda thing. Pandas are a pain, nibbling their bamboo all through a good film.
Will be adopting your telly-and-no-kids routine tonight. it's the simple things that're best, innit?
I spy with my little eye ...
Have lots of fun with husband.
You ate your curry on the sofa? I'm always doing that sort of thing when the children are at their father's.
I have to fight my daughter for the remote as she always has Friends on tv.
Lane, thanks, I'll try.
Yvonne, it was lovely. Daughter hated anything dressed up when she was little.
SueG, thank you - for the mention and the reminder that I've been diligent recently.
Jen, no I didn't sit next to him, but next to Son, who made pretty much the same noises with his popcorn.
Caroline, thanks honey.
Debs, Shhh, I won't tell anyone.
So then, did you like it?
Curry and telly sounds like the perfect night in.
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