I’ve solved my ‘my side of the bed’ problem. Do you remember this picture? Well I bought these funky shelves last week and they were delivered yesterday. I know they are very silly shelves – reminiscent of a sarcophagus – and not at all a sensible shape for books, but I fell a bit in love. You can also have them in a two by two shape (so versatile). I’ve moved my TBR pile from the overflowing shelves to the new ones and I have to come to terms with the fact that my TBR pile is somewhat decadent (please reassure me that I’m not the only one with an obscene TBR pile?)
I’ve been emailing my doctor brother to investigate the deaths in my books. This seems to matter enormously to me (I think I might be a frustrated doctor: I’ve always loved medical series and soaps and I rather pride myself on diagnosing Weil’s Disease or Munchausen’s before their doctors do.) In my story, both deaths occur before the story starts but I’m enjoying playing God with one of the deaths … a sort justice to the nasty behaviour of character. And funnily (or not) discussing the deaths has crystallised why one of the people behaved the way he did. It’s also solved a plot problem I hadn’t arrived at yet. I knew it needed solving but I hadn’t thought about how it would be solved. This medical condition means that we get a bit of a twisty turny plot solution by way of a medical history.
I’m still writing, thanks to the 100 words a day blog. I’m really wondering if Helen qualifies for a knighthood or sainthood or ‘services to literature’ to get all of us writing again. I must look into it.
Gorgeous bookshelves, exactly my taste too. I also have an obscene TBR pile that just keeps growing.
I love those bookshelves and can see how funky they'd look side by side. Oh yes, hoorah for Helen, I've written nearly 2,000 words since she started 100 words a day - words I'm almost certain I wouldn't have written because I'd have kept putting off writing because "I wasn't in the mood"!
Ooh - gorgeous, like a lovely curvy woman. I am coveting, I am coveting!
You are lovely! x
Love the bookcase, I have a passion for bookcases of all shapes and sizes.
I still laugh when I think of 'that picture' hilarious. I'm giggling again now.
Helen does deserve some special award for being so ingenius and getting me writing so much.
Wow, those shelves are fabulous! Serious shelf envy here.
Must write my 100 words today... lunchtimes are going to have to be taken, I feel. Drastic measures.
I love browsing other people's bookshelves. It's fun to see what we have in common and to find new discoveries.
(I'm almost embarrassed to say my TBR pile pushed past 60 books awhile ago! You are definitely not alone.;)
Sounds like the story is really coming together. Very exciting!
My TBR pile is quite small at the moment.....I am rather good at getting through them!! Hmmm...what I should say is that my virtual TBR Pile is HUGE but my actual TBR pile is quite small!! (I've not got the books yet)
C x
Unusual bookcase, and I like unusual. Now I'm quite curious about your decadent TBR pile, since I have an entire wish list of decadent, hopefully delicious titles, starting with Delta of Venus.
I'm not crazy about things medical since I'm squeamish and a little info of that kind goes too far with me, but I've read a few of those novels that were pretty good, like The Final Diagnosis by... um... Arthur Hailey. That was years ago, and I could not put that book down!
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