Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wearing other hats

Thursday again already?

For me that means the day off from writing for the other ‘jobs’ in my life, even though I want to write today. First, I’m wearing my ‘web assistant’ hat at the BWG AGM (OMG, will I get re-elected? Oh yes, I forgot, it’s uncontested, in fact the Chairman was on her knees, begging us all to re-stand at the last committee meeting) and then I’m wearing my ‘Mum’ hat at school for Son’s Parents’ Evening.

*Sigh.* Son’s Parents’ Evenings … which are actually Parent’s Evenings as I always have to do them on my own. It’s just like being a pupil again; one that’s been summoned to the Head for a telling off. They’ve never been my favourite meeting with school but there has been a slight improvement over the years as Son has learnt to play the life game. I used to dread them but now, fewer teachers want him to be different… well they want him to be a bit different, just not a different child. And some, the higher up school he goes, actually love the way that he challenges them. So the meetings have improved but I still feel the dread in the pit of my stomach from years of these appointments.

So, I can’t write today even though I have a tender scene to do that I’m looking forward to writing. It’s time to go now, so I’ve picked up my web assistant hat and dusted it off. Hmmm, I’ve got a fair idea what a Mum hat would look like but I wonder what a web assistant hat would consist of.


Unknown said...

It is such a good sign that you are looking forward to writing that scene!!!

Flowerpot said...

A beret perhaps? What do you think?!

Chris Stovell said...

Doh! Tomorrow I have to wear my 'Secretary-to-the West-Wales-Cruising-Association' hat. Definitely not as much fun as it sounds!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I think I'll put on my nightcap, I'm feeling a little tired and don't want to do anything.

HelenMWalters said...

Good that you want to write even on your 'day off'.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Someething small adn black with a tiny net veil and a feather which is popestriously large!