We went to a Royal Project for natural silk dyeing; a commercial silk yarn factory; a batik and tye-dye group and then shopping for silk at the Silk Culture Centre.
It took us into Central Thailand (drive 3-4 hours) and was wonderful apart from a crippling migraine on the way home. (Straight to bed: 12 hours sleep and I STILL woke with a headache.)
Here are some almost edible pictures of silk in various states of production:

Beautiful photos jj... I love them! (and definitely would like to eat them).
Sorry about the migraine honey --- take it easy and focus on lovely things (such as starting a new folder for December - I am so with you on that, and the fact that November gets neatly filed away; maybe I should get out more too?) and Skyros!
Beautiful colours. Did you buy any silk?
Hope the headache has gone. Migraines are a bugger:-(
Hi Pacha, Thank you. The silk was goooorgeous. Migraine is passing thankfully, just a slightly fragile feeling now. Yes, there's lots to look forward to, so I will concentrate on that. Get things done so that can be enjoyed.
Lane, thank you. I bought a rather hilarious sarong skirt thing. I can't decide if I'll wear it out or just for pyjamas! Husband liked it - or was he just being polite?
Headache is definitely waning now, thanks.
Oh I just love the feel of silk against the skin, so sensuous and those colours look lovely. Liked your xmassy photos too. Hope the migraine has gone.
Ooohhh the silk looks beautiful
Hope the head improves
C x
Love the pictures, as always.
I hope the migraine buggered off, you poor thing. Sending you hugs!
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