My arrangements - presents to be purchased; kids' trip to UK and all preparations that that entails; articles I've promised, to be written; Grotto to be made (please don't ask); website to be updated and surely some more I can't remember right now - have all got to be done by 13 December, before kids fly and I go off to my Skyros course.
So instead of panicking I'm going to pretend to be all serene and show you some lovely pictures of Christmas I've spotted in Bangkok over the last two weeks. Aren't they gorgeous? Don't they work hard to sell us Christians stuff, I mean, to make a lovely Christmas atmosphere?

You've got a heck of a busy couple of weeks ahead of you! But then Skyros ....aaah:-)
I love those soldier chaps. I'd like to put them outside my front door:-)
Lane, aren't they gorgeous? What a marvellous idea. They are standing either side of some steps, and I felt saluted... You'd feel like that everytime you came through your front door!
Ooh, I like the tree that looks like a dalek...
JJ, Just caught up on all your jungle adventures (thank God you didn't run into one of those flying spiders!). And I hope the B'berry operation went well.
They really do know how to decorate in style, don't they? Your pics are gorgeous.
Can't wait to hear about the Skyros trip...
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