Anyone got any tips on shoving a (metaphorical) rocket up a 13 year boy's backside re schoolwork?
Had all sorts of cheerful things to write about today 'til I went to parents' evening. Of course, in my case it was parent's evening. I know, I know, he can't help it. He works hard - I'm just not feeling very charitable tonight.
I am sooooo bored of having my ears chewed because Son won't do any work.
I cut up my article this morning; I cut up some quotes. I've reassembled them. It's not exactly writing, but preparation for it.
Sorry not to be more cheerful.

I threaten my kids with various tortures. Childline don't approve but hey, what do they know?
Parenting sucks at times.
Nothing helpful to offer other than my sympathies.
You know I understand!
I have a friend who has a monetary system based on points going with her kids. For every good grade she gives her kids points/money. For every bad grade/bad behaviour takes points (and hence money) away. She then pays them by month (or not if that is the case). She swears by it (and her kids also competitive amongst themselves) and keeps insisting I use it with Javier.
I think there is something wrong with this sort of well, bribing/competition... (I am fine with less materialistic sort of bribing though - I am not saint - obviously) so don't use it myself but her kids seem very successful at school (and mine isn't)so...
Hope that article re-writes itself quickly and that you have a relaxing weekend!
A cattle prod?
I guess he's a bit big for the naughty step [sigh].
I'm sure Pacha's friend's idea is the best, but personally, I'd go for Lucy's suggestion...!
wow. i thought i was the only one who physically cut and pasted my stories.
Jen, I've tried torture (losing his computer/gameboy/tv etc) it doesn't work. Sympathy helps thanks honey.
Pacha, I do know you understand and it helps other Mums offering sympathy and understanding. We did a bit of that reward system (as we called it!!!!) when they were little, but I feel they're too big for that now. Son doesn't respond as he's bright and knows he's being manipulated.
Lucy, yes, marvellous. Clearly that is the answer!
Leigh, Oh dear god, yes. He came back from the UK after Christmas an inch taller than I am! I might suggest the naughty step though just to see the look on his face.
Laurie, nope. My practice of this started way back in school doing extended essays, continued into university dissertations, and occasionally is pulled out of the bag for articles! I don't know why it works, but it works like no other system for me.
No 'puter, not tv, not life until work is done sometimes works....
I've tagged you - sorry!
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