I can’t remember where I saw this ‘give your blog a certification’ originally, but I thought I’d take the test.
I don’t like to think of my blog as being totally safe for children, I’m sorry, but too clean isn’t really me. Nor would I like to think of it as containing the vernacular of a sailor – though I have to confess to liking a good cuss, so I reckon PG is a pretty damn good result.

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PG is better than U, which is what I got. :(
Ha! I'm a PG too due to 'suck' (x2) and 'crack' (x1). I have no idea when I used those words but certainly not in the way they think! The very thought of it:-)
I'm PG too because of 'death' and 'hell'. It didn't seem to mind 'bugger', oddly enough.
I just tried it and I'm a PG too because I used the word 'death' twice and 'crappy' once. Oooh!
I got some XXX in my score. I can't think what they were for. I do like a cuss, but can't think that I do much heavy stuff here. Actually, bugger and bollocks are my favourites. Maybe it's bollocks it didn't like!
I wonder what it would do with the F word?
Oh my goodness! I got Rated R!! I feel so naughty...it's because of my plastic surgery post where I mention pp's and vv's!
I am rather gutted!! I got G for General Audiences with the tag line all ages admitted!!
I think I might just go away and sulk!!!
C x
I got rated 'R' too. I'm shocked and appalled at myself.
Oooh, I'm rather impressed at those of you who scored 'G' for 'gutter mind' and as for the Bambis among you - go away and do a bit of cursin'.
Bugger mine is rated G too, must try harder with a few more explicit words. But I'm not sure if I know any!!!!!
My next post will be about Rugby so should be able to throw in a few swear words and maybe a Rugby song that should sort out my rating.
Oh, very interesting results. I'm off to check my own...
Oh my, mine is rated R too for using sex (4x), whore (2x), and hurt (1x)! Didn't realize I'd dirtied it up so much. (Still wondering why 'hurt' counts toward the R, I'm sure I've used something worthier than that.) Feeling a bit naughty now. ;)
Hellojed, well done on the U! What does that stand for, btw?
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