I so want to blog about our journey home (Son and Thailand surpassed themselves) but I'm just too tired. We've spent all day at another international school watching daughter and her team mates compete against 10 other schools, and we have to be there again tomorrow morning at 6.30am...
So, after
this post, I will leave you instead with this picture of the inside of my fridge:
Branston Pickle, good.
Gherkins and Marmite, bad.
And is that a jar of Bonne Maman strawberry jam lurking at the back?
I make pretty good pickles of all kinds but still love Branstons, always keep a supply on hand, specially for cold turkey at Christmas. What is in the other jar though??
Oh, thats right! Rub it in why don't you? Now, through your whole 'look at me in paradise' posting I managed to swallow my envy (choked a bit) and say, Oh that jj, she deserves it; this is her reward for all that homesickness. BUT THIS! THIS is going TOO FAR! Now, I want to live in your fridge. I promise I won't bother you if you let me.
oooh - am Branston's addict - with extra strong, super plus maxi cheddar! So glad you can get it now and v.v.v.v glad you had a lovely holiday.
Am also loving that giant size jar of Marmite:-) Are the other jars peppers/chilis?
Oh someone lovely sent you your Branston pickle! Hope that eases the itching (?) and the homesickness a tad.
It's back to the pink office for you soon. :)
Leigh, No, all yum yum. Yes, it's Bon Maman strawberry jam, but only because we couldn't buy raspberry that day. Really it should be raspberry, with its little pips is more yum.
Sheepish, my Dad makes great pickles, but I deserted from his lovely chutney to Branston Pickle when I was pregnant with Daughter and haven't ever quite made it back.
Oh Pacha, I'm sssooooo sorry. Yes, come and live in my fridge, and I'll feed you Branston Pickle and chocolate!
Oh Lane, yes another addict. I'm truly terrible. I had to open in up and inhale it... Giant Marmite is goorrrrrgeous. The other two jars are gherkins: they are daughter. I like them too, but Daughter will eat a jar at a time!
Angie, It has eased it all. Less homesick with a cheese and pickle sandwich in my hand! And yes, back to the office tomorrow!
Branston Pickle........Bleeeugh
Tell Daughter good luck in her gymnastics
C x
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Marmite is dogpoo in a jar!
Branston Pickle with a bit of cheese...now you're talking!
Now you're offering Pacha chocolate as well. You didn't mention you had chocolate. Where's that then? Does it have a little drawer all to itself? I guess it's best not to keep it too close to the Marmite...
Or, perhaps, you're like me, and it never survives long enough to be photographed!
Oh Carol *raptures* about Branston Pickle. I could eat it alone, by the jarful!
Jon, then Bring on the Dog Poo! woo hoo, bring on the dog poo. I can feel a advertising campaign coming on...
Oh, yes, cheese and pickle sandwich: lovely.
Anonymous, hello, I'm only trying to buy Pacha's visitation to my blog: bribery, nothing more. And I thought it might be cute to have a little person living in my fridge.
But yes, you're right on two counts: one - chocolate doesn't last long enough and two - you think I'd be advertising to all and sundry there's chocolate in my fridge? Pah. No. Actually, I'm trying to avoid choc at the moment!
OMG who has invaded your fridge and left all that evil stuff there?????? Report them to the police.
Caroline, yum yum yum. 'specially Marmite!
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