Anyway, I’m fairly sure you’ll all say 'whatever works for you,' but it appears that I need to get things right, before moving on… “Just get the story down first” doesn’t seem to work for me. I can’t bear all that mess. So I’ve finished Chapter One – for now – it’s certain to change again, but it’s done for now and not a first draft anymore. And I’m a couple of hundred words into Chapter Two.
I had made a comment on Sunday to Husband over lunch that I felt like going to Kinokuniya, one of the bookshops here and giving my bank card a bit of a bashing. (I imagine this was all part of the recovery programme) but Son’s ears pricked up and he asked if he could come… Now, I never say no to books for Son (or Daughter) but this was THERAPY. The damage inflicted to my bank account needed to be caused by books FOR ME. So I suddenly lost interest in going, since I’ve just purchased 3 books for Son online. As a reward to finishing chap 1, I went off today to Kinokuniya to do some abuse.
Here’s my booty:

Now they look interesting...particularly the top one (and Germaine's)
That reminds me that I have an ARC of Suicide Shop I haven't read yet.
I LOVED the Suicide shop. Really loved it.
I've been dying to read The Suicide Shop for ages....they only had it in Thai the last time I went looking for it. I may have to go down there tomorrow and purchase a copy!!
C x
Helen, I hope they all will be! But I do love Germaine Greer, although my mother trained me very carefully to think she was the devil in disguise.
Ooh, Rachel, where'd that come from?
Caroline, I think I knew of The Suicide Shop because of your blog!
Carol, oh lordy, you gave me a heart attack - I had to run and check out if I'd bought a Thai version. Phew it's in English. I got it in Emporium - they have lots.
Yes. Yes. Hard work. That's what it takes!
And here I
I won it in a bog commenter's drawing :) I think I was supposed to review it. Bad Rachel. I will, when i get to it. I have a huge reading pile.
I'm like you - I have to get things right before moving on. I get annoyed with myself sometimes wondering why, when there's something I'm not happy with, I can't just leave a blank or a note to myself to re-work that bit later. Of course, even when I'm finally satisfied with a chapter, I know I'll probably still add or tweak bits when I go back to it at a later date, but I can accept that.
I love the way you rewarded yourself for finishing a chapter.
Yeah, me too Leigh, and in between blogging, I'm at the widgety thing like a mad woman.
Ooh, a win, Rachel, fab. Caroline says it was great ... oh but you can see that - she said it here.
Pat, oh that's a relief. I was hoping I wouldn't be alone. I know it'll still need work but I just can't leave it in such disarray.
Nice pile!
Bookshops are pure therapy aren't they? Enjoy them and good luck with chapter two:-)
Well done on Chapter One and Good luck with Chapter Two. You'll have to let us know how the Suicide shop is such an intriguing title!
When I was in sixth form our school took us to see Germaine Greer speak I can't remember what she talked about but I know she scared us to death in the Q&A part!
Yep, hard work is the way to go. Unfortunately, tonight, I've been playing with that new black boxes widget. But I'm glad I found your blog.
Now that does look like an interesting pile of books - I've not read any of those.
The Suicide Shop has a such a curious title, it's irresistible. Just goes to show how important titles are, I guess...
I have come from me to you via Caroline's widget thingie. La, la la. x
Aw shucks JJ, you say the nicest things (not sure why I came over a bit American there but nevermind...)
LOVE the title "The Suicide Shop", so intriguing! I was going to write a short story called "The Suicide Club" and the first line was going to be "The leader of the suicide club keeps changing. They keep dying" but I didn't get much further than that!
Lane, I just can't enough - and they are great therapy.
Marmite and Tea, yes, I'm not surprised she was terrifying - even at the age I am now, I bet she is.
Hi Ashley, it's lovely to meet you. Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm a bit hooked on the widget too.
Jen, it's a fab title isn't it? And it really is what it says it is.
LPlate, hello *waves*
Cal, well I mean it. You've worked hard and you deserve it.
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