Blogger was playing silly buggers yesterday and I couldn't log on, couldn't post and nor could I comment. I was bitterly disappointed because I've told you all before how much I LOVE opening up my new word document, labelling it with the new month's name and beginning the new month's postings. Anyway, I did all that in Word and then couldn't declare it to the world. I cut a sad and tragic figure, non?
But when I woke this morning a FULL FIVE MINUTES before my insultingly early alarm there was a lovely Friendship Award over at Angie's Write for me. It's very exciting and has cheered me up no end, because it says lots of stuff that I feel really strongly about when it comes to bloggie friends. Thank you Angie.

It says TEA, with it's pretty little teacups. I'm a firm believer in the restorative powers of Tea. And look, there's a receptacle here for everyone.
It says TRUST which is essential to any friendship but particularly among creative people. When we show you our creations we show you inside our metaphorical knicker drawer. Most times we haven't met but trusting is a good and positive thing.
It says KINDNESS and CARING. Roaming around cyberspace is tough. We don't all blog when we feel low or sad, or tired or uninspired. But individuals still reach out even through no news. I like that: it's real friendship.
HONESTY. This can be a tough one - particularly among writers, as many of us are here. Sometimes it's easier to say something banal, but we should strive for honesty with kindness and caring.
Angie was one of the first people I noticed coming to my blog who wasn't a Novel Racer. We nover racers had signed up to support each other and therefore I felt they kind of had to come and endorse me. Angie didn't have to come. 'Wooo hoooo,' I thought, 'she must come here because she wants to.' And that made me very excited.
Anyway, I'm to award it to five others too.
Lovely Leigh over at The Art of Subtle Procrastination because sometimes ... well ... you just know... even through cyberspace. And I'll never forget seeing her grinning face at the Manchester Novel Racer meet, not having the faintest clue who she was but knowing she was someone special.
Carola Crayon over at Only in Thailand because she's real. Because she tells me I've been stuck inside too long and makes me come out to play. And even though sometimes she hogs the will power we share.
Zinnia over at Real E Fun even though I'm not sure she does awards... but because she has integrity and she has kindness and caring in bucketloads for her fellow (wo)man.
Helen over at Redders Ramblings because she's another one where I just knew. Because she's all the things that this award stands for. She got me writing again when I thought I couldn't do it, she's read stuff for me, she's sent me things and because she's just lovely.
Finally, well you know what? I want to give it back to Angie too.
Awwww hon...thank you so so much for this award....I shall display it with pride!!
but for the complain when I don't hog the willpower!!!
C x
Thank you, sweetie, that was a beautiful post. x
Congratulations on your lovely award, JJ. :-)
"Even in Cyberspace, you just know..." I am still overwhelmed at times just how 'real' friendships can be forged this way.
Great post. The internet is quite clever, innit?
Saw the news this morning and immediately thought of you. Do keep safe. And congrats on the award it seems very appropriate.
Lovely post. Glad you are all OK and hope things calm down soon.
Well done on the award and richly deserved JJ. Hope all is OK with you over there. Keep safe.
Hey JJ, long time no speak...thank you so much for those lovely words and the award. You've quite made my day. I've got a few changes coming up with my blog, so I'm not posting just yet, but you know if I was I would give this award right back to you. (I knew too). xxx And keep safe. I hadn't heard anything about this on the news (typical) so I'll go and have a look see now.
Doh! It's the second item on the news...blame my hormones for missing it. x
Hi JJ, I've just read about the situation in Bangkok. I hope you, your family and friends stay safe. exx
PS. Congratulations on the award!
Stay safe JJ and congrats on the lovely award.
Lovely post JJ, hope everything is ok where you are. Stay safe.
So glad you're OK. Well done on the award, and BTW I don't come here because I have to, I come because I want to so there! And thanks for passing it on to me - you're right that I don't 'do' awards, but it's a lovely gesture and I appreciate it very much.
Hope you're okay and everything calms down out there.
Congrats on the award, I liked what you said about it.
Congratulations on your gorgeous award, it's lovely and much deserved.
Sorry you're experiencing such a dreadful time over there, I hope it all passes soon.
Saw on news about unrest in Bangkok. Hope is ok by you.
A well-deserved award! Hope the state of emergency has settled down.
I'm glad to hear you and your family are okay!
Well done on the award - well deserved!
Well done to you, and very relieved you are safe.
Aaawwww, thanks, honey. That's really made my day. You're a belle.
That's a lovely award! Congrats!
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