The last week – ten days has been a disaster writing wise. No time to do anything. Today I’ve got to take the artwork for the banners to MBK where they will … do something with their software to make them into banners and print them for us. Then I’ve got other errands to run. Tomorrow the children need picking up and dropping off and totally different time of day in different parts of Bangkok. I want to go to the Thaicraft fair in the middle of the day; Husband and Daughter have piano lessons in the afternoon and then on Sunday Husband’s off to India. It’s so busy.
I’ve really got out of the habit of 100 words a day, and need a big boot shoving up my backside. The part that I’m working on has turned into a ‘I simply can’t work this out’ kind of project so rather than open it, harrumph, close it again I have to take it a sentence at a time. I can do that: one sentence at a time.
I have earmarked next week to write (apart from Thursday). I have two weeks before my writing course on Koh Chang and I’m feeling an amateur, fraudulent and devoid of imagination; but also quite a bit excited.
One sentence at a time is my new mantra…
I’ve really got out of the habit of 100 words a day, and need a big boot shoving up my backside. The part that I’m working on has turned into a ‘I simply can’t work this out’ kind of project so rather than open it, harrumph, close it again I have to take it a sentence at a time. I can do that: one sentence at a time.
I have earmarked next week to write (apart from Thursday). I have two weeks before my writing course on Koh Chang and I’m feeling an amateur, fraudulent and devoid of imagination; but also quite a bit excited.
One sentence at a time is my new mantra…
JJ....I just had a look at that banner....I couldn't really see properly but please tell me that photo is not what I think it is.....
C x
Uuuhm, see ... are you meaning Clare's lovely sunflower one? No, then you must mean, erhm, a different one.
Oh god, I'm so sorry, yes it is. I didn't realise until it was too late ... and anyway it was the only one with flags...
I've also been a bit lax with my 100 words a day, but having mother and step-son over has been a bit distracting.
I shall now give self a mental telling off and get on with it today.
On Monday I will see you over at the 100 words a day blog! We can both start our 'new term' then. x
Debs, shall we see you over there monday too?
Helen, it's a deal. See you there.
I'll see you at 100WaD on Monday too, okay?
Sounds good to me
Know exactly what you mean. My rewrite was going guns, then office got hectic, niece and nephew over to stay, novel promotion drama, etc etc and the rewrite has ground to a halt. Opened it last night and couldn't catch the flow again, started forgetting which changes were made and which not...
Um... my point. Keeping up the writing momentum and dealing with real life just don't seem to mesh.
You might have had more credibility with that statement if Louise hadn't told me that you pointed at it yesterday and went 'hehehehe'!!
C x
Leigh, yep see you there.
UHDD, yes, I hope so.
Liane, Oh dear yes, I can relate to that.
Carol, she's winding you up. I was very worried when I saw her 'Uh oh, Carol's gonna kill me... ha aha haaahhha ahahhaha'
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