With no coup, the kids and I went off to see Twilight yesterday afternoon. Daughter is 200 pages in; Son's read it and I have no intention of reading it. It's not my kind of thing at all and it did have flaws, but I really rather enjoyed it. Beautiful landscapes. I still have no desire to read it but I'll watch another film...
After the cinema we went into Kinokuniya - our wonderful, wonderful English Language bookshop (How could I survive anywhere without copious English books?) We went in to buy New Moon, Stephenie Meyer's second book in the Twilight Saga. We also found some Christmas presents, and on the New Arrivals table, I found this:
Ah, thanks so much for taking the picture, that's lovely! I'm so excited to think it's been shipped all the way to Bangkok.
Still thinking of you. Hope all settles down very soon.
Kate xx
Glad to hear husband's making his way back and you're all OK x
So glad all is well.
So glad that you are all okay, though poor husband having to endure an 8-10 hour drive.
Loving those books.
glad he's back JJ - you must be so relieved.
Glad to hear you're all safe, JJ.
Those Racers do get around, don't they! As for Stephanie Meyer, my teenage niece is crazy for her books. Me? Uh-uh. No interest in paranormal.
Kate, It's not a brilliant picture because I had to be surreptitious. I do 'stupid foreigner' every time I want to take a picture but the bookshop security guard was very close.
Thanks Helen.
Sheepish, thank you.
Debs, he was so pleased to get back.
Flowerpot, I am.
Wordtryst, thank you. Here's hoping we see more novel racers in Bangkok!
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